Leaf by Niggle

Leaf by Niggle

Other Subcreators

I hope you find the list below helpful in your pursuits of life, beautiful and true.
If you'd like to be included in this list, feel free to contact me; be sure to explain how you fit the vision of this site and include a web address.

Video Games

Team NIRD :  Video Games; news, interviews, reviews, & dos. They offer a podcast (NIRDtalk) and streaming via Twitch. Members of Hate-Free Gaming, MOGNation, LevelUp, ExtraLife. They're my go-to source for understanding and loving the amazing subcreation platform of video games. Plus they have cool tattoos.

Blogs & Short Fiction

An Eyeglass of Hope :  This is a blog by a brilliant girl who writes short fiction. Often she recapitulates a story from the Christian Scripture... and usually in awe-inspiring ways. Christian or not, you'll be captivated by her writing. Expect great things.

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeon Master's Block :  This is a podcast to help DMs/GMs/RMs/whatever else you wanna call yourself. They offer inspiration and exploration for subcreating worlds (and specialize in D&D).

College of Lore :  RPG & DND resources to help you inhabit the worlds of your imagination.

World Builder Blog :  More RPG & DND resources, focused on the DM in homebrew worlds.

Kobold Press :  An excellent DnD supplement company. Recently funded on Kickstarter for the Tome of Beasts (5e).

Visual Arts

Sam Palencia Blog :  Sam is an artist of Typography. She's a pretty good photographer too. In her styling, she brings your emotions to life and inspires your soul. Who would've thought so much could be contained in so minute a manner? Look and be amazed.

Eric McFarland Photography :  Why is a photographer in this list? Because the photographer's job is to capture in one scene a lifetime of truth. He must show you life in the way it is & the way it should be.

Aeron Brown : Artist, Singer, Songwriter. Painting and Mixed-Medium, this artist is phenomenal. Check him out.

Adam 4d :  Comics. Most of them are distinctly Christian, but I think you'll find them pointed. Adam Ford is a clever artist who points out the inconsistencies in our living and reminds us of true life.

Other Stuff

Arcade Coffee :  Okay... now I'm just getting crazy... Coffee? How is coffee an act of subcreation?! Arcade roasters captures the heart of a country, region, and farmer in a handful of beans and delivers it to your home for you to enjoy. A good cup of coffee reminds of you beauty & life.